Samar Audio AL95 vs Monoprice LR100 ribbon shootout

By poppaflavor
Test taken 10 times

The Samar Audio AL95 vs Monoprice LR100 ribbon mics were placed directly adjacent to each other with the same vertical and front-back placement. A pop filter was placed in front of the center area between them. The AL95 was powered by the ALactive mic boost and the LR100 is an active ribbon. Both had 48V phantom power from the Focusrite 18i8 interface. They were tracked in at -16dB and clip normalized to -6dB for export.

There is a single file for each mic that is not processed whatsoever.

There is also a single file for each mic where the track was resampled using a stock Ableton Live EQ8 with a HPF and ~3 dB high shelf as well as some cuts in the muddy region. The tracks were also run outboard through a St. Ives Windings L31267 transformer wired at 2.4k ohm:2.4k ohm.

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